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Request AppointmentOctober 15, 2024
Red carpet clothing, paparazzi attention, expensive vacations and houses—some things seem reserved for the rich and famous. You may follow celebrities and think you could never have what they have, but when it comes to your smile, you can! Cosmetic dentistry isn’t only for celebrities, and if you don’t love how your teeth look, you should take advantage of it. Keep reading to learn why these dental treatments are worth considering.
Altering your teeth may seem like a small change, but it can have a drastic impact on you. Namely, having beautiful, brilliant teeth can give you confidence to share your smile more freely. Research has repeatedly shown that others perceive a person with an attractive smile as more appealing, more friendly, more successful, and more trustworthy.
Even if you aren’t a Hollywood star, just imagine the doors improving your smile could open in your life! You could meet new friends or a new romantic partner. You could nail an interview for a job you want. You could have more self-assurance to chase your dreams.
Some star-struck fans want to visit the same spas or hairdressers as their favorite celebrities. However, you don’t have to travel to Hollywood or New York City to get celebrity-level quality in your smile. In fact, your family dentist has the training and skills to give you the results you want close to home. When you have a consultation with them, ask to see some photos of their past cases. Looking at their before and after pictures, you can get a clearer idea of what you can expect.
One stumbling block that many people feel stands in the way of getting their perfect smile is the cost. Teeth whitening, in particular, is affordable, considering that it offers up to 10 shades of improvement. Although some other procedures can come with a higher price tag than others, even these more expensive treatments don’t have to break the bank.
Dental insurance likely won’t defray the total, but you can apply for financing that will divide the cost into smaller monthly payments. Instead of having to foot the entire bill upfront, you can pay for your perfect smile over time, which is much easier on your budget.
You may not ever get to walk the red carpet for a movie premiere or have people asking for your autograph, but with cosmetic dentistry, you can feel more like a celebrity with self-confidence.
About the Author
At Kimberley Lane Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, Dr. Viet “Vince” Tran and Dr. Frank Incrapera can provide cosmetic results that rival those attained in Hollywood. With years of experience and training, they bring expertise to the Houston area and customize treatment to meet your specific goals and needs. To schedule a cosmetic consultation, contact our office online here or call us at 713-827-8200.
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Request AppointmentWhile we are not a preferred provider with your insurance, there is a 90% chance your checkup and cleaning will be covered! Request an appointment to have a friendly member of our team get back to you with more information.
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